IT service

The IT department is present in every company and the quality of IT services provision measurably influences the effectiveness of the company's operations. It is worth to commission them to a reliable partner.

Professional IT outsourcing is a specialty of our company for over 10 years. Our activities focus on satisfying the needs of small, large and medium-sized companies. Extensive experience and a team of qualified employees allows us to provide you outsourcing IT at the highest level.

Omega IT Consulting provides comprehensive IT services for companies including:
- failure removal
- helpdesk - current help for users
- administration and maintenance of workstations
- server administration
- network administration
- data archivization
- IT consulting
- sale of equipment, consumables and software
- support for IT departments
- preventive actions to prevent hardware and software defects

IT service

The IT department is present in every company and the quality of IT services provision measurably influences the effectiveness of the company's operations. It is worth to commission them to a reliable partner.

Professional IT outsourcing is a specialty of our company for over 10 years. Our activities focus on satisfying the needs of small, large and medium-sized companies. Extensive experience and a team of qualified employees allows us to provide you outsourcing IT at the highest level.

Omega IT Consulting provides comprehensive IT services for companies including:
- failure removal
- helpdesk - current help for users
- administration and maintenance of workstations
- server administration
- network administration
- data archivization
- IT consulting
- sale of equipment, consumables and software
- support for IT departments
- preventive actions to prevent hardware and software defects

IT service

The IT department is present in every company and the quality of IT services provision measurably influences the effectiveness of the company's operations. It is worth to commission them to a reliable partner.

Professional IT outsourcing is a specialty of our company for over 10 years. Our activities focus on satisfying the needs of small, large and medium-sized companies. Extensive experience and a team of qualified employees allows us to provide you outsourcing IT at the highest level.

Omega IT Consulting provides comprehensive IT services for companies including:
- failure removal
- helpdesk - current help for users
- administration and maintenance of workstations
- server administration
- network administration
- data archivization
- IT consulting
- sale of equipment, consumables and software
- support for IT departments
- preventive actions to prevent hardware and software defects

IT service

The IT department is present in every company and the quality of IT services provision measurably influences the effectiveness of the company's operations. It is worth to commission them to a reliable partner.

Professional IT outsourcing is a specialty of our company for over 10 years. Our activities focus on satisfying the needs of small, large and medium-sized companies. Extensive experience and a team of qualified employees allows us to provide you outsourcing IT at the highest level.

Omega IT Consulting provides comprehensive IT services for companies including:
- failure removal
- helpdesk - current help for users
- administration and maintenance of workstations
- server administration
- network administration
- data archivization
- IT consulting
- sale of equipment, consumables and software
- support for IT departments
- preventive actions to prevent hardware and software defects

Dla Firm
i Przedsiębiorstw

Świadczymy usługi najwyższej jakości. Tworzymy i wdrażamy nowoczesne rozwiązania, które przede wszystkim są funkcjonalne. Proponujemy szeroki wachlarz usług, dopasowując je do indywidualnych potrzeb klienta.

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Dla Szkół
i Przedszkoli

Każda placówka edukacyjna ma swoją indywidualną infrastrukturę, sprzęt i stan IT. Potrzebna jest indywidualna diagnoza i przygotowanie planu działania, aby zoptymalizować wydatki i sprawne działanie placówki.

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Dla Administracji Publicznej

Usługowy charakter administracji publicznej jest możliwy dzięki pełnej koncentracji na potrzebach obywatela i jego komforcie. Nasz profesjonalny zespół serwisantów dzięki swojemu doświadczeniu zrealizuje każde zadanie.

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